Selasa, 29 Mei 2012
Tinkerbell Syndrome
We have all heard of Tinkerbell the fiery fairy from the Peter Pan story, today I came across this article on the Daily Mail and found it quite interesting. For years we have heard of the Napoleon complex
that describes a man of shorter than average stature having and alleged
inferiority complex due to their height causing them to feel like they
have to prove themselves to everyone. It seems they now believe there’s a
female version of this which they have named the ‘Tinkerbell Syndrome’
Tips Cantik
Tips Menjadi Cantik: Cantik Alami
Tips kulit wajah sehat
Ini ada beberapa tips untuk menjaga kulit wajah kita agar tetap sehat ;1. Konsumsi air minimal 8 gelas setiap hari, air berfungsi untuk mengeluarkan zat-zat yang tidak berguna dan racun dari tubuh kita
2. Membersihkan wajah min. 2 x sehari
3. Konsumsi makanan sehat dan hindari makanan berlemak
4. Tidur yang cukup dapat membuat wajah lebih segar
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